Adore Adore Adore – Sprints

The Big Time was always going to come and find Sprints. That was obvious. Karla Chubb is too big a rockstar to not shine bright as we orbit ever closer to their debut album.

Has much changed since the early singles? Well, yes and no. She sounds like Courtney Love now? Yeah. A bit. The talky Indie of How Does The Story Go? has given way to, first of all the hollerathon Literary Mind and now the album era of Letter To Self. Which I’m going to go out on limb and say, is a great title for an album. I just know this is going to be good.

We won’t get the long player until 2024. January 5th. Iggy Pop’s slot from last year. That first weekend of the new year release slot is a bold one to take. It means your album is around for all 12 months of the annus to commus. It also risks you getting forgotten about by the time the Hootenanny polls come around for album of the year.

Adore Adore Adore did big business for the band back in festival season. It’s a more beefed up rocker than the angular crunkers which made up the A Modern Job EP just last year. The mono/dayglo fanzine look and sound has given way to proper moody shot band promo and a ‘look’ for the album. As it should be.

Karla has this to say about Adore Adore Adore on the bands website “There is still a different standard of behaviour expected from me vs even the other members in Sprints. There is a different set of invisible rules I am supposed to abide by – I am supposed to fit their mould and give them what they want – and not deliver what it is I am here to do. So at a time when trans rights are under attack, people are trying to force upon us what they think a woman is or should be, this is the outward expression of my own frustration, struggle and rage.”

I know a punk rock barnstormer when I hear one. We can all see what you’re feeling and hear what you’re thinking now Sprints. and we’re living all the more blithely and plentiful for it.

To tide us over to the release date there’s been another single since Adore x3. Up And Comer keeps the heat hot hot and the rage is reaching out of the cage. This band man. This frikkin’ band.

Adore Adore Adore
Up And Comer

2 thoughts on “Adore Adore Adore – Sprints

  1. I like what she says here: “There is a different set of invisible rules I am supposed to abide by – I am supposed to fit their mould and give them what they want – and not deliver what it is I am here to do.” Really like the music and the lyrics are hella good.

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